Nov 27, 2020
Tesla is an unconventional movie about world renowned Inventor/innovator Nikola Tesla Starring Ethan Hawke. Underwater is an Action Packed Horror Thriller Starring Kristen Stewart. I'm talking about both movies on this podcast listen and enjoy!
Nov 20, 2020
Kevin Costner is one of the best movie stars of all time, just look at his resume of iconic films The Untouchables, No Way Out, Bull Durham, Field of Dreams, Dances with Wolves, JFK and many more. I'm talking about his legendary career and why I think he's underrated on this podcast listen and enjoy!
Nov 19, 2020
First Cow is director Kelly Reichardt's return to the Western genre about two travelers in 1820s Oregon trying to live the American Dream starring John Magaro and Orion Lee. Possessor is a unique Sci Fi Horror Directed by Brandon Cronenberg starring Christopher Abbot and Andrea Risborough. I'm talking about both movies...
Nov 12, 2020
Scarlett Johansson has done it all: she's appeared in blockbusters like Avengers, Infinity War and Endgame while also starring in critically lauded films like Lost in Translation, Match Point, In Goof Company, Marriage Story and JoJo Rabbit. The Queens Gambit is a captivating miniseries about a wunderkind chess...
Nov 5, 2020
Paul Dano is one of those actors who can do it all: Play a supporting character in movies Little Miss Sunshine, There Will Be Blood Play the lead in movies Ruby Sparks, Love and Mercy, Swiss Army Man and Direct the Movie WildLife. Yes God yes is a film about a high schooler named Alice who goes on a religious retreat at...